SNAP The Stigma

Many people who qualify for food assistance programs do not pursue the support they need because of stigma. 

Louisiana Cutout of Father Carrying Son on Shoulders

We’ve Got Work to Do

Louisiana is home to a diverse culture, rich history, and a strong sense of community. 

However, in a state so abundant, many people do not have the resources they need to put a meal on the table.  

What does SNAP mean?

SNAPstands for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. 

Formerly known as Food Stamps, SNAP is a federal program that provides monthly financial assistance to help millions of low-income households purchase food and stretch their budgets.  

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Logo
Group of People Receiving Food at Local Pantry

How Stigma Hurts People in Need 

Stigmatizing those in our community for using food assistance programs perpetuates poverty and hunger. 

It creates an environment with unnecessary shame around receiving support and directly impacts the most vulnerable and at-risk populations within our state. 

Little Girl Next to Her Mother

Receiving food assistance is common.

As of January 2023, 936,112 Louisiana residents are enrolled in SNAP, with even more so receiving some other kind of food assistance each month.

Giving our neighbors consistent access to the resources needed to live a happy, healthy life creates a better Louisiana for all of us.

Did you know?

Misguided stereotypes of the people who receive benefits influence bad policies and practices, making it harder for those who need nutrition benefits to get help. 

Progress starts with us shifting the way we think about poverty.


The Broad Reaches of Poverty

The challenges of life are not unique to any one race, gender, or religion.

We are all vulnerable to hardship.


The Truth About SNAP 

  • TRUTH: Every $1 in SNAP benefits generates $1.73 in economic activity – making SNAP one of the most effective economic stimulus available.

  • TRUTH: SNAP has a fraud rate of less than 3% - which is the lowest fraud rate of any public benefit.

  • TRUTH: The majority of SNAP recipients are employed. Most able-bodied recipients are working full or part-time jobs.

  • TRUTH: Most recipients only use their benefits for just 6-10 months.

  • TRUTH: Undocumented immigrants have never qualified for SNAP benefits – in fact, these individuals are unlikely to apply because of fear of deportation.

We are stronger together.

Lifting Our Neighbors Up

Woman Walking Away from Food Pantry with Box of Food

Strengthening the Safety Net

Louisiana communities thrive when they have the support they need to recover from setbacks.  

For the people in our state who face poverty and the risk of hunger every day, safety net programs like SNAP are a key resource to stay afloat.  

What’s Next? 

We envision a society where we lift each other up and partner together to put healthy meals on every table.  

Consider a donation to help us continue to help our neighbors in need or share this page on social media and advocate for the expansion of food assistance programs in Louisiana. 

Do you need help?

The stigma of needing food assistance can be internalized.  The truth – when hardship comes into our lives there is no reason not to reach out for help.

If you or someone you know needs immediate food assistance, contact your local food bank.

Our Mission

Working to solve local hunger. 

We work together with Louisiana’s network of food banks, local partners, and government organizations to put forth creative solutions that offer immediate food assistance while striving for long-term, sustainable means of ending hunger.