SNAP Outreach
Supporting Outreach and Program Success.
Feeding Louisiana supports our network by advocating for SNAP and providing administrative support through advisor training, grant management, and other resources needed to increase program sign up.
What is SNAP?
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the largest federal nutrition program designed to help millions of low-income households stretch their budgets and put food on the table.
Building Healthy Habits through SNAP-Ed
SNAP-Ed meets people where they are and helps ensure the healthy choice is the easiest choice.
We facilitate nutrition education and cooking programs that teach people how to stretch their food budgets, prepare healthy meals, and live a physically active lifestyle for all ages.
Did you know?
SNAP plays a critical role in Louisiana.
Louisiana has the second highest poverty rate in the US with more than 900,000 people living below the poverty line. Currently, more than 430,000 Louisiana households are enrolled in SNAP.
Join our Movement to Encourage Enrollment
Many people who qualify for SNAP often do not pursue the support they need. This is in part due to the stigma associated with food assistance programs.
We’re on a mission to let people know it’s ok to ask for help.
See what we’re doing to #SNAPtheStigma.
There’s still more work to be done.
Learn more about how hunger affects Louisiana communities.