“The highlights of this experience have been helping neighbors that didn’t really need help, they just needed a friend. I have been truly blessed to meet some amazing people. From helpers at community centers, to volunteers at food pantries, Southeast Louisiana is the definition of community.”
My experience as a Medicaid outreach coordinator has opened my eyes to the hurdles the residence of Louisiana has to jump through in order to receive the healthcare they need. I have personally been able to develop the skills to assist our neighbors in obtaining information and assistance as needed.
The positive impact I have had on my own community is building trust with and being a listening ear for our neighbors. There are so many people that just need a helping hand and a bit of compassion. From working with a family where a loving husband passed mid- application, to assisting a neighbor with reimbursement from Medicare for her Medicaid payments. My journey as a Medicaid Outreach Coordinator with Feeding Louisiana has truly been an adventure
The unexpected lessons I have learned have been vast and varied! I have learned that most of our neighbors are more than capable of completing applications, they just need confidence in their own abilities. I have learned that a child interpreting from Spanish to English for her parent is heartbreaking and joyful all at the same time. I have learned that not everyone has a story to share, and that some folks NEED to tell a story. I have held hands with young moms, cried with families, cried in my car, laughed at mishaps, laughed with co-workers, and found friends in the least expected places.
Knowing that OUR team has helped thousands of people in Louisiana is AMAZING!
I have always been a helper. Now I am armed with new knowledge and skills to help my community prosper.