Keeping Louisianans Covered
Through a grant from People Care, Feeding Louisiana was enlisted to help support Medicaid recipients through the unwinding process.
The Medicaid Outreach Coordinators entered the heart of community centers and organizations to assist thousands of residents with renewing or applying for Medicaid to access important healthcare services.
In order to reach and better serve Medicaid recipients, the Medicaid Coordinators:
Collaborated with food banks and partnering agencies to reach community members
Conducted verbal, one-on-one counseling sessions
Posted 506 flyers with contact information for assistance in renewing benefits
People Care and the Louisiana Department of Health provided monthly lists of Louisiana Medicaid recipients that were at risk of losing benefits and lists of recipients who lost coverage due to failure to respond to renewal requests. More than 100,000 emails were sent to neighbors regarding the action required to retain benefits and offering assistance in renewing. This information was also used to send more than 12,000 text messages to offer renewal assistance to Louisiana residents who had recently lost coverage.
The coordinators also successfully updated more than 870 contacts so that important plan information could be communicated.
Feeding Louisiana’s Medicaid Outreach team went above and beyond to provide processing services for Louisiana Medicaid applications and renewals.
They assisted residents in completing their applications, provided information and referrals, obtained required documentation to complete the process, and assured that the information contained on the application form was complete. In less than a calendar year, they successfully submitted more than 930 applications and renewals for Medicaid coverage.
Beyond the numbers, the Coordinators formed friendships and gained valuable experience while assisting residents. To read more about the personal impact this position has played in the lives of the Coordinators, click the stories below:
Christi Mitchell’s Personal Impact Story